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Awasss…….!!! E-mail SPAM ??? ini contohnya

Dear Friend,
My name is Hannah Anderson; I am 25 years old, from London -England, where
I am schooling and work as a fashion designer for part time job after my
school. I am the only daughter of my parents my father died on a fatal
auto accident on his way to see my sick mother at the hospital where she
was admitted for Cancer treatment, she also died when she heard about the
death of my father in same day at the hospital.
Before the death of my father, he had willed part of his Real Estate
Business, Gas Stations and a total sum of £50,700,000.00(Fifty Million,
Seven Hundred Thousand Pounds Sterling) to me. After the death of my both
parents, things became hard for me, paying my school fees, putting food on
the table and taking care of my other needs with my fashion designer work
which I do as a part time work after my school, I went to the
bank where my late father deposited the fund on my behalf to with-draw
money in other to take care of my self and pay for my school fees with
other bills.
I was shocked when the Bank Manager explained to me that I will not be
able to with-draw from the deposited money, because my father had put a
clause on the Will, which he used in depositing the fund with them, saying
that before I will be given access to the money, I will either have to be
30 years old or if only I get married before the age of 30 , in which
case, my husband will be legible to claim the money on my behalf by
standing in as my late fathers next of kin to claim the deposited fund on
my behalf.
Today I am only 25 years old. And I have no access to the money till I'm
30 years. So, I’m contacting you to stand as my husband to claim this fund
on my behalf and in case if you are married already, you can still help me
by standing in as my late father’s next of kin to the deposited fund. So,
please get back to me as to know how you will be remunerated as I will
part with 25% of the total sum £50,700,000.00 (Fifty Million, Seven
Hundred Thousand Pounds Sterling),while 10% will be mapped out for any
expenses that we're to use to receive the money from the deposited Bank.
Please remember that I am writing you this email purely on the ground of
trust so we can achieve this deal together. This transaction will last for
two weeks after you get back to me on how serious you are to claim this
fund on my behalf, please kindly get back to me through this email: hannahanderson1212@live.com
Yours Truly,
Hannah Anderson
My name is Hannah Anderson; I am 25 years old, from London -England, where
I am schooling and work as a fashion designer for part time job after my
school. I am the only daughter of my parents my father died on a fatal
auto accident on his way to see my sick mother at the hospital where she
was admitted for Cancer treatment, she also died when she heard about the
death of my father in same day at the hospital.
Before the death of my father, he had willed part of his Real Estate
Business, Gas Stations and a total sum of £50,700,000.00(Fifty Million,
Seven Hundred Thousand Pounds Sterling) to me. After the death of my both
parents, things became hard for me, paying my school fees, putting food on
the table and taking care of my other needs with my fashion designer work
which I do as a part time work after my school, I went to the
bank where my late father deposited the fund on my behalf to with-draw
money in other to take care of my self and pay for my school fees with
other bills.
I was shocked when the Bank Manager explained to me that I will not be
able to with-draw from the deposited money, because my father had put a
clause on the Will, which he used in depositing the fund with them, saying
that before I will be given access to the money, I will either have to be
30 years old or if only I get married before the age of 30 , in which
case, my husband will be legible to claim the money on my behalf by
standing in as my late fathers next of kin to claim the deposited fund on
my behalf.
Today I am only 25 years old. And I have no access to the money till I'm
30 years. So, I’m contacting you to stand as my husband to claim this fund
on my behalf and in case if you are married already, you can still help me
by standing in as my late father’s next of kin to the deposited fund. So,
please get back to me as to know how you will be remunerated as I will
part with 25% of the total sum £50,700,000.00 (Fifty Million, Seven
Hundred Thousand Pounds Sterling),while 10% will be mapped out for any
expenses that we're to use to receive the money from the deposited Bank.
Please remember that I am writing you this email purely on the ground of
trust so we can achieve this deal together. This transaction will last for
two weeks after you get back to me on how serious you are to claim this
fund on my behalf, please kindly get back to me through this email: hannahanderson1212@live.com
Yours Truly,
Hannah Anderson
Cara Memasang Facebook Fan Page di Blog

Memasang fan page facebook diblog maksudnya adalah memasang kotak suka / like box fan page facebook. Like box adalah facebook plugin yang memungkinkan pemilik facebook fan page mempromosikan fan page nya di blog. Dengan memasang facebook fan page Like box di blog, maka pengunjung blog bisa:
- melihat berapa facebooker yang me-like fan page
- membaca status / posting terbaru dari fan page
- untuk me-like cukup mengklik tombol suka tanpa perlu masuk ke facebook.
Berikut tutorial Cara Memasang Facebook Fan Page di Blog:
- Buat fan page di facebook, caranya baca di cara membuat facebook fan page.
- Masuk ke fan page yang sudah di buat tadi, biasanya linknya ada di sebelah kiri beranda facebook.
- Anda akan dibawa ke halaman pengaturan like box fan page, setting sesuai selera. Masukkan alamat URL facebook page, masukkan lebar dan tinggi kotak suka, dan lainnya.
- Untuk alamat URL facebook fan page, bisa dilihat pada URL browser saat Anda buka fan page. Misalnya seperti ini :
. Bila sudah memiliki minimal 25 penggemar, maka Anda bisa merubah alamat facebook fan page menjadi simpel, misalnya menjadi http://www.facebook.com/Laptop-Aser. Contoh fan fage yang sudah memiliki lebih dari 25 penggemar lihat di http://www.facebook.com/Merek-atau-produk, fb fan page dari blog Education For All.
- Login ke blogger, pasang gadget HTML/Javascript dimanapun Anda mau, kopas (copy paste) code dari facebook fan page diatas, save.
- Selesai...SELAMAT BERKREASI.....
Cara Membuat Facebook Fan Page

Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan traffic pengunjung blog adalah dengan menggunakan situs jejaring sosial. Tak dapat dipungkiri, situs jejaring sosial seperti Facebook masih menjadi salah satu media yang cukup ampuh untuk mempromosikan blog. Dengan membagikan / share blog di facebook tentunya akan mendatangkan pengunjung ke blog yang berasal dari para facebooker. (kalo judul postingannya menarik)
Salah satu tips mudah untuk mempromosikan blog melalui Facebook adalah dengan cara membuat Facebook Fan page (Halaman penggemar di Facebook). Semakin banyak orang yang melakukan like Facebook Fan Page, semakin besar kemungkinan pengunjung berdatangan dari Facebook Fan Page.
Langsung praktek Cara Membuat Facebook Fan Page di Blog.
- Login ke akun Facebook.
- Klik link "Buat Halaman" pada bagian paling bawah halaman facebook.
- Pilih jenis halaman yang sesuai dengan fan page yang akan dibuat. Misalnya pilih "Merek atau Produk".
- Pilih kategori Fan Page sesuai dengan kategori yang tadi di pilih.
- Lakukan pengaturan seperti upload gambar, Judul halaman, dan sebagainya. Jangan lupa untuk menuliskan alamat blog.
- Contoh Facebook Fan Page yang sudah jadi dengan alamat http://www.facebook.com/pages/Merek-atau-produk/350681578295879
- Silahkan berpromosi di Facebook Fan Page yang Anda buat.
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